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Thursday, April 10, 2014

What to Look for in a Kids Art Smock

Children’s art smocks come in so many shapes, sizes, and materials that it can be difficult to choose between them. To make coming to a decision easier, you can narrow down your choices using the following considerations:
Art smocks have three basic styles: apron, full protection, and bib. When working with younger children, it’s best to go with bib smocks that are applied over the head and offer protection around the sides. Older children can work with an apron-style smock, however, it’s usually best to go with a full-protection smock that runs from the shoulders down to the knees. Sleeves are generally not needed, unless your child regularly dresses in long-sleeved clothes.

For optimal reusability, choose an art smock made from a material that’s easy to clean. Kids art smocks that can simply be wiped down offer better value and often last longer than art smocks that need to be washed after each use.
The material should also be lightweight and comfortable so that children aren’t hampered while wearing the smock.
Look for smocks that are easy to put on. Art smocks that take more than a minute to put on ruin the experience of the activity for a child. Ideally, the smock you choose should be something that simply slips on and doesn’t require snaps, Velcro, or ties to keep in place.

Deep pockets are also a must. These give children a place to store materials for easy access, and help them keep their workspaces keep, as well.

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